Optygon Blog
Wissenswertes aus unserer Praxis

Cognex Diorama
Nicht immer sind Fotorealismus und High-End Grafik die ultimative Antwort um Informationen verständlich zu transportieren.
Unsere Artikel:

Packing station
3D detailed views of individual work areas can already ensure a better understanding between the supplier and customer during the sales phase.

Energy Drink
Just like musicians, CGI artists also have to practise to acquire new skills and skillsets. This involves selecting a topic, setting the framework and determining what the focus should be on.

Warehouse visualization
Many ambiguities can be avoided through warehouse visualization, thereby strengthening cooperation and trust.

Premium Base Cap – Elavent
Projects of heart have an energy all of their own: not only do you approach them with a completely different motivation, but you also learn new techniques, views and approaches.
About Me
With Optygon, I have embarked on a very special journey that will take me to interesting places and, above all, people, because that's what it's all about in the end

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