Warehouse visualization

Many ambiguities can be avoided through warehouse visualization, thereby strengthening cooperation and trust.

"Why should I strive for warehouse visualization in my project?" or "Isn't that too much effort and therefore extremely expensive?" are thoughts that can quickly run through your mind on this topic. But consider the following:

In the course of a warehouse automation project, misunderstandings arise at many points. This applies not only to internal processes, but also to communication with the customer. With several storage or conveyor technology levels, a 2D drawing with a view from above can cause more confusion than can be clarified in the end.

These ambiguities result in additional iteration steps and therefore additional time and costs for both sides. In the long term, this situation can also lead to a loss of trust in each other.

The solution: many of these ambiguities can be avoided with 3D image material, thereby strengthening cooperation and trust. Whether individual static images or a complete video, a flight through the entire facility can be choreographed for a warehouse visualization.

By combining software from video game development and our in-house pipeline, we were able to place all system elements in the scene very quickly and automatically in this project. The only remaining work was to create the building and plan the camera flight, which was a fraction of the actual effort.

Optygon relies mainly on 3 pillars for the creation of 3D content:

The quality of the warehouse visualization speaks for itself and is an absolute eye-catcher at every presentation.

Please contact us directly and we will be happy to discuss options and solutions for your company without obligation:

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